Five 5-Minute Breaks to Refresh Your Spirit

Life is super busy for most of us.  Between work, errands, housework, appointments, and your to-do list, there is not much time to just chill.  As  a Mom of five, I am learning how important it is to take five minutes out here and there to refresh my spirit.  When I get too frazzled and irritable (voice hoarse from yelling at kids or spouse), I put myself in time-out and take time just for me.  Here are five of my favorite ways to find peace.

1.  Give myself a mini massage.  I sit in my easy chair, massage a little olive oil (almond or avocado oil also work) mixed with a few drops of lavender oil into my shoulders and neck.  Then I gently stretch my neck to each side and then forwards.  The tension melts and I instantly feel more relaxed. You could also use chamomile, vanilla or other scent of your choice.

2.  Take a short walk outside and look at nature and think of nothing at all (or count my blessings), being sure to take deep breaths.  Bering in nature is an instant stress buster.

3.  Stretch my tired and sore muscles from head to toe.  I breathe deeply and hold each stretch for about thirty seconds.  This is a great way to let go of tension.  One of my favorites is the cat stretch (a yoga pose) that is very soothing to sore backs.

4.  Sit down in my easy chair and sip slowly either a cup of herbal tea or a glass of cold water with lemon or cucumber slices.  I think of nothing at all and I instantly feel calmer and more refreshed.

5,  Think of everything I have to be grateful for (from my amazing kids) to the puffy clouds and write them down.  This shifts my perspective, brightens my mood and makes me feel happier.

The next time you are feeling overwhelmed or frazzled,  I highly recommend giving yourself a time-out.  You will walk away feeling more calm, peaceful and rejuvenated.

What would you add to the list?  Write and let me know your favorite ways to unwind and de-stress.