None of us will…

None of us will every accomplish anything excellent or commanding except when he listens to this whisper which is heard by him alone.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Migraines have been a part of my life for 27 years. My ongoing quest is to reduce stress, exercise and take supplements so I get less migraines.  I recently added in a new supplement into my prevention mix.  This supplement called Migralief contains three ingredients, two of which I am already taking.  That meant when I took this new supplement I stopped taking the other two I knew worked for me.  A little voice inside me feared this may not be the best thing to do.  For years I have been taking a powdered magnesium supplement that I mix with hot water.  It is proven to get into the bloodstream fast and be absorbed better by the body.  I know it works for me and I trust it, really trust it.

So, why did I give it up for this new product?  The reviews on Amazon were exceptional.  Some users claimed they only get one migraine a month. Some haven’t gotten any in six months since taking this product.  The thought of having far less migraines was appealing to me and quite motivating.

The problem is I have been getting more migraines since I started taking this new product a few weeks ago.  The bottle said that you have to give the product a couple of weeks to start working until you reap the full benefits. A few times in the past weeks there was a voice inside me that said to stop and go back to what I know works.  I didn’t listen to the voice.  I thought, if only I give it longer, it will really make my life remarkable.  Just hold on a few more days.

Today, after suffering with an especially brutal migraine yesterday, I listened to the still, small voice within me.  I stopped taking Migralief.  It felt really powerful to take the magnesium supplement I know works for me.  In fact, I am sipping it as I write this post.  I highly recommend tuning in to your still, small voice, and doing what it tells you.  You will feel so much doing what is right for you.