Today’s Happy List

When my younger sister and I were apartment mates at the University of Florida (Go Gators), she got into quite a funk one evening.  I don’t remember what was the source of her blues, but I do remember what helped lift her spirits.  I took an ordinary piece of paper and wrote a list of 100 things for her to be happy about.  I used markers to make it colorful and I am sure I doodled some happy faces and flowers and hearts on it.  I wrote down happy memories for her as well as listing her favorite foods, activities, things and people who make her smile.  My prescription worked.  She was smiling and laughing before the clock struck midnight.  The same year I made a list for myself when I was feeling especially blue  I made my list on happy purple paper and I looked at it over and over and over again until my smile returned.

Fast forward 22 years.  College is a distant memory.  Days are busy with potty training, refereeing five kids, cooking, cleaning up messes, driving kids here and there.  I think I might lose my mind if I didn’t stop to do one thing every evening.  I write a list of five things I am grateful for and I instantly feel better.  Here is my list for today:

1.  A lovely cup of tea sipped slowly while I took a rest break from the little kids.  I took slow breaths between each sip and savored the peace.

2. Happy music on Pandora.  Today we are listening to the Raffi station while I do paperwork and the kids play in the playroom behind me.  Kids’ music was never this cool when I was a kid.  It’s making all of us happy.

3.  Singing fun songs to my two little ones as we walk to the potty, the playroom, or to the mailbox.  They ordinarily don’t want to go where I want them to when I want them to.  Singing silly songs is working (for today at least) and that makes Mommy happy!

4.  A challenge I found on the Internet today.  You’ll never guess the focus?   Happiness.  Here is the link in case you want to sign up.

5.  I ate a peaceful lunch sitting down at a table.  It sure beats what I normally do–eat standing up while clearing off table or eat in the car while picking kids up at school.  Slowing down and being mindful makes me happy.


So, now it’s your turn.  What are five things you are happy about today?