Lavender oil is a great tension tamer

Getting five children out the door is never easy, but this morning the stress and the chaos were kicked up a few notches.  Ten minutes before we are supposed to leave my middle son William, age 6, announces he has no socks.  I do a frantic search of dryer and all nearby surfaces, and come up with five black or navy socks (all the required color for his uniform),  but not one of them comes close to matching.  Then I find “gold”  (two matching socks), only they are not my son’s.  They belong to his classmate and he refuses to wear them because the heel doesn’t line up in the right place.  I make him put them on and tell him he can endure anything for a day.

Next, I realize that my two littlest ones have been unusually quiet, always a bad sign.  I scream for them, and my oldest son Ben, age 8, says not to worry.  ‘They are in the car.”   How nice of Ben to strap them in their  car seats I think, perhaps a bit too optimistically.  Then I scurry to the kitchen and grab my purse, keys and essentials, all while handing out lunch boxes.   I do stop for a moment to take a deep breath and inhale some lavender essential oil I have in a bowl on my counter.  Lately I have been inhaling this stuff quite often and it sure does help to calm my nerves.  Next, I attempt to leave only to be interrupted by Katie, my oldest,  who needs socks NOW.  I run to the dryer, give her a damp pair (they will dry some time this day), and I finally head out the door (only 13 minutes late).

When I get to the minivan, I find my two youngest in the front seat.  Mary, age 2 going on 20, is in the driver’s seat commanding the world.  Michael, my happy-go-lucky four-year-old is in the passenger seat, dancing to blaring Christian rock music. I am not sure if I should laugh out loud or lock myself up for actually starting the engine before all the kids were safely strapped into their car seats.  I decide to forgive myself and learn from it, and then walk to the passenger side to carry Michael to his seat.  I instantly burst out in laughter as I see that Michael is naked from the waist down.  I run in the house for a pull-up, inhale some more lavender and do a mad dash for the car.

Oh the joys of mothering school-age children.  Thankfully, there are only five more days in the school year, and I am pretty certain my lavender essential oil will last that long!


Do you have a funny story about getting your kids out the door in the morning?  What are your sanity savers?



1.  Reduces tension, calms nerves, and helps the nervous system function better

2.  Promotes sleep and helps fight insomnia

3.  Helps improve blood circulation

4.  Natural insect repellent

5.  Relieves pain from muscle tension, rheuumatism and sprains

6.  Fights acne because of its anti-bacterial properties

7.  Boosts the immune system when used regularly

8.  Helps lower blood pressure

9.  Improves mental clarity

10.  Helps improve digestion


WARNING:  Do not swallow or ingest the oil by mouth.  It should be applied to the skin or inhaled via aromatherapy.  Serious health consequences could result if swallowed such as blurred vision, difficult breathing, burning eyes, vomiting, and diarrhea.  If you are pregnant, nursing or have diabetes do not use lavender oil.


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